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SAGE Mind: Using Personal Experience to Cultivate Resiliency, Wisdom and the Art of Learning
Our world is rapidly evolving. Access to information, technological, scientific and medical advances continue to filter into the mainstream. Simultaneously, we've added more stress, chaos and inner turmoil by increased reliance on external validation and short-term thinking. With years of experience working in higher education and a passionate autodidact, Trent shares his insight in this manifesto about the value and application of self-education, and how anyone can transform life experiences into a world classroom to gain wisdom.
The premise: wisdom is the lost currency.
He believes a new mind is needed not just to create new solutions, but to live with clarity and a thriving consciousness.
This is a focus on how to learn rather than what to think.

Book Reveals: How to Conquer Your College Years by Taking Advantage of These Hidden Resources
Whoever told you your college degree guaranteed you the right to a successful career was wrong. Somehow, the connection between having an amazing career with graduation became a given.
Schools market this connection with commercials and throughout their campuses. Families push their children with the thought, “You’ll have a successful life if you go to college.”
But the REAL reasons why college can help students become more successful never make the discussion. In my book, you will understand how to use certain campus resources to your advantage and start off on the right track.
The Career Development Psyche

The Career Development Psyche
Dividing personal aspirations for self-fulfillment and purpose from our vocation or job can create identity distortion.
This separation can look like working as a robot in a company during the day and then venturing to consciousness practices at night.
At the core of any self-actualization process is to become an integrated being, where we bring our holistic self to every life path.
The Career Development Psyche brings attention to how we can synthesize our careers with conscious cultivation.
Can meditation enhance presentation performance? How do colors and the "chakras" influence daily work life? These and more are discussed in the white paper.